SKYBOXE 5G Fixed Wireless Access Router

Beta Tester Registry

All of us at SKYBOXE are immensely grateful for your support and participation as one of our very first customers and beta testers.

We need your feedback on the new SKYBOXE 5G Fixed Wireless Access Router that you have purchased, so that we can make it the very best it can be. Your responses to the questions below will help us gain deeper insights to your experience in setting up the router. We truly value your opinions and feedback. Response to the questions below should not take longer than 5 minutes of your time.

    Your full name*

    Your email*

    What is your SKYBOXE device’s IMEI number?*
    Note: The IMEI is a 15-digit number that is unique to your router. It can be found on a label on the bottom of the device.

    Have you already set up your device?*

    Who is your mobile service provider (AT&T, T-mobile, etc.)?*

    Have you installed a SIM card from your mobile service provider?*

    Do you plan to use SKYBOXE as your primary internet service?*

    What is the approximate distance your SKYBOXE device is away from a window?*

    What is the date you first activated your SKYBOXE device?*

    Are you able to connect your PC via one of SKYBOXE’s wi-fi networks?*

    Are you able to run a SpeedTest ( from your PC?*

    If yes, please tell us your upload and download speeds as reported by SpeedTest?

    Are you able to connect your smart TV or streaming device to SKYBOXE’s wi-fi network?*

    If yes, what brand of streaming device (e.g. Roku, Firestick, AppleTV) or smart TV (e.g. Samsung, LG, TCL) have your connected?

    If yes, what streaming apps have you been able to access?

    What color are the four LED lights that appear on the front of the SKYBOXE device, from top to bottom?*

    Have you logged in to the router’s web configuration tool ( successfully yet?*

    If yes, what functions or screens in the web tool have you accessed?

    Do you need any assistance from our support team and wish to be contacted?*
    If yes, please include your preferred contact info in the comments field below.

    Do you have any additional comments or questions? (optional)